Friday, September 4, 2009

Hawaii Unit Study

I'm casually arranging a unit study on Hawaii for our science, geography, history, and art lessons. Hawaii is a special state to be living in because we have so many unique things here...volcanoes, tropical plants, rare animals, and lots of cultural history. Our library has a big Hawaiiana section, so we have many wonderful books to choose from. We are keeping this fun and casual, especially because our main focus is on learning to read and write and math.


1. Geography
~Color, paint, cut and paste, connect the dots maps of Hawaii
~Make a 3-D Hawaii model out of clay
~Overview of all of the main islands

2. Geology
~Volcano activities, hot spots formed the islands
~Evolution of an island from volcano to atoll
~Kinds of rocks

3. Ocean
~Oceans of the world, Pacific Ocean
~Coral Reefs

4. Animals
~Ocean animals
~Land Animals

5. Plants
~History and use of plants in Hawaii
~How plants grow in tropics

6. History
~Navagators: Menehune, Polynesians, Captain Cook, Chinese, Japanese, King Kamehameha, Portaguese, Philipinos,
American missionaries, US navy
~Hawaiian monarchy, Queen Liliokalani
~Hawaii becomes US territory, Pearl Harbor
~Hilo tsunami
~Hawaii becomes 50th state
~Kilauea erupts on Big Island
~Hurricane Iniki on Kauai
~Hawaii sovereignty movement

Thanks to these wonderful sites, I've found many free print-outs and lesson plans:

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