Here is a very informative article that I have copied and pasted about protecting our bodies from radiation. I received this from Dr. Leonard Horowitz's email newsletter and find it to be good to pass on to anyone interested. Since there is no link to it, I will keep it here. I'm glad to see that Ayurveda's triphala made the list!
Dear Friends of
Below is the best article with the most practical natural ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from radiation exposures that are expected to begin soon on the mainland US and Hawaii. I do not know who the hero is who wrote it, but it was forwarded to me, and now from me to you.
Hoarding of potassium iodide supplements are expected to continue, and we have very few bottles of Brown Seaweed Extract left in stock. We expect to have a couple hundred more in stock next week, so get it while you can. Expect a run on miso soup in health food stores, and baking soda in supermarkets, as well.
Our store is currently well-stocked with ZeoLife containing natural iodine, but we expect to sell out of this product soon too, after this mailing in fact, because, as you read below, not only is a natural iodine supplement recommended daily during exposure periods, but zeolite is probably the best natural detoxification material along with edible clay.
We are normally well-stocked with edible (Prophyllite) clay, but expect these supplies to disappear quickly too, and will try our best to reorder depending on your need and demand.
Green Harvest is highly recommended now too, as you will read about the need for excellent organic green nutrients available in this product. I have been using this product daily for years.
For the recommended extra vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants, PrimoLife would be an excellent single-product choice.
Right now we are working feverishly on manufacturing two new products to help attenuate ionizing radiation risks, and will let you know when these products become available.
We ask for everyone to pray for humanity, all life forms, and Mother Earth.
In 1998, I ended the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse stating that THE ONLY RELIABLE PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION IS YOUR CONNECTION TO GOD. I pray that you received this message early enough to secure this sustaining relationship.
With much LOVE in 528,
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Overseer and Managing Member,
How to Protect Against Radiation Exposure
The unfolding events relating to Japan's damaged nuclear reactors is raising the concern in the U.S. of a worst-case scenario of multiple meltdowns with a consequent cloud of radioactive particles following the jet stream over to the U.S. The prevailing jet stream winds will impact Los Angeles to Alaska, and will include Hawaii. Radioactive pollution will reach the U.S. within 36 hours. It will then travel the typical jet stream across the U.S. that you see on your daily weather programs.
A coordinated cover-up of the severity of the situation is underway. This sort of behavior is typical of governments, especially when they are interested in protecting their power base and protecting the interests of transnational corporations.
Japanese health authorities are passing out iodine tablets to those in the vicinity of these reactors -- as it is common knowledge that the thyroid gland is a weak spot when it comes to radiation exposure. By flooding the body with iodine it is taken up by the thyroid which then blocks radiation uptake into the thyroid, reducing the risk for future thyroid cancer (which is already an epidemic form of cancer in the U.S. in part likely due to excess CT scans).
Such iodine saturation should occur 24 hours prior to exposure and be maintained during the duration of excess exposure. This solution is not without risks, especially when potassium iodide is used. That is because excess iodine can clog thyroid function, inducing either hypo or hyper thyroid. However, that risk is trivial compared to acute radiation exposure -- thus iodine makes sense. We like water-soluble iodine that in our experience is much less problematic when higher doses are used. Liquids can be applied transdermally, directly over the neck region or taken orally, and reapplied as desired based on concerns.
Protecting the thyroid with iodine seems to be about all public health officials are willing to recommend to the public. However, there are other important steps every person should consider. Radiation interaction within your body generates massive amounts of damaging free radicals, in turn potentially inducing DNA damage that may lead to future cancer -- often manifesting a decade or two later. This means it is a good idea to maximize your overall antioxidant defenses. Ideally, this system of defense should be bolstered in advance to provide maximal defense. Unfortunately the antioxidant defense systems of a majority of Americans are in shoddy condition.
Many nutrients contain antioxidants and many of these behave in your vital antioxidant network to protect your DNA from damage. In your diet these nutrients come from fruits, vegetables, whey protein, and whole grains. Additionally, almost any nutrient supplement with antioxidant properties, such as vitamin C, will help bolster your antioxidant team. We suggest that everyone consume a broad spectrum of antioxidant support as the minimum. Indeed, a cocktail of antioxidants (selenium, vitamin C, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, alpha-tocopherol succinate, and co-enzyme Q1) started 24 hours after a lethal level of radiation exposure has been shown to be highly protective.
There are three specific nutrients that have science showing they can protect your body against radiation damage: tocotrienols, antioxidants from berries, and lipoic acid.
Tocotrienols are a unique form of vitamin E that offers protection that regular vitamin E does not. In a recent animal experiment carried out by the U.S. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute it was shown that gamma tocotrienol can protect against whole body radiation exposure.
Excessive radiation exposure damages DNA, especially DNA relating to the system in our bone marrow that produces all the red and white blood cells that are vital for survival. Therefore radiation exposure has adverse consequences on circulatory health and immune system competence, disturbing energy balance and increasing the risk for cancer. Of particular importance are the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that constantly rejuvenate blood and can become any of the white or red blood cells, as well as the hematopoietic progenator cells (HPCs) that transform into specific blood cells. Both HSCs and HPCs are the life force of blood cell rejuvenation and essential to your good health.
Stem cell colonies (HSCs) are 80% - 86% maintained in gamma tocotrienol-treated mice, while they were 50% reduced in controls. Similarly, progenator cells (HPCs) have recovered completely within 7 days in gamma tocotrienol treated mice, while they remained at 30% for weeks in the controls.
A detailed analysis of the bone marrow showed that gamma tocotrienol maintained the regenerative integrity of bone marrow cells. Gamma tocotrienol protects hematopoietic tissue by preserving the HSCs and HPCs and by preventing persistent DNA damage.
Another recent animal study shows that gamma tocotrienol can offset the adverse effects of radiation exposure, including the reduction of peroxynitrite, the most damaging free radical. This is important because as free radicals begin forming their reactions can cascade into producing large amounts of the most damaging of all free radicals, peroxynitrite. Short-circuiting peroxynitrite formation in response to radiation exposure is of immense importance to protecting DNA.
Lipoic acid is a very small and versatile fat- and water-soluble antioxidant. Animal studies show that it helps maintain the antioxidant defense system in multiple body tissues upon radiation exposure, especially protecting the brain, liver, spleen, kidney, and testes.
The health status of some 6,000 workers from Latvia who went to clean-up the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant has been followed for several decades. These workers suffered higher-than-normal rates of problems in their nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine system (especially thyroid) and immunological systems. A study conducted on some of these workers 10 years after the fact showed that 600 mg of lipoic acid for two months was able to normalize many, but not all, of their lab abnormalities. Too bad they didn't have protection prior to and during exposure. Pretreatment with lipoic acid has been shown to significantly reduce radiation exposure damage to the brain.
Recent animal research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture showed that blueberry and strawberry extracts helped prevent brain damage from radiation exposure. Interestingly, the polyphenols of each fruit protected different areas of the brain -- supporting a variety of dietary berry intake and/or supplements with multiple berries. Having an adequate antioxidant defense system for more optimal health is common sense. During times of increased stress your needs for antioxidants rise -- and this relates to any type of stress. Radiation exposure is simply one more type of stress -- a rather nasty type. The demands in your life or existing health concerns may already be testing your antioxidant bank account. Bolstering your antioxidant defense system to compensate for a potential challenge is common sense.
If you have been exposed to too many X-rays or CAT scans, if you fly too much, work with diagnostic medical equipment or are environmentally sensitive and have ingested elevated levels of radioactive contaminated food, air or water, you also want to partake of the following protocol on a regular basis
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys. The kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure. Old military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium-carbonate complex. So useful and strong is sodium bicarbonate that at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, researcher Don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from the dirt; so far, York has removed as much as 92 percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples. The United States Army recommends the use of bicarbona te to protect the kidneys from radiation damage.
Sodium bicarbonate can safely remove paint, grease, oil and smoke residue, decreasing workers' exposure to harsh chemicals and eliminating much of the hazardous waste associated with other cleaners. "Sodium bicarbonate is able to clean in areas where other substances pose fire hazards, because baking soda is a natural fire extinguisher," says Kenneth Colbert, a general manager for Arm & Hammer. This is the reason it's used by oncology centers to control chemo agent spills and it's actually used intravenously to protect patients from the hazardous toxicity of chemotherapy.
Uranium is one of the only metals that get significant bonding from carbonate. Just flushing a lot of bicarbonate through the system, along with whatever kidney support you are going to use, will be very helpful. There is no better therapy for radiation sickness than intense sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and magnesium baths with the appropriate clay added in. Even sodium thiosulfate can be added to these baths and that instantly neutralizes any chlorine in the bath water while simultaneously providing sulfur for the vital sulfur pathways.
Bicarbonate and Nuclear Fallout
If the bombs start dropping anywhere on earth, or if you live near a nuclear plant, you will want to have a large amount of sodium bicarbonate on hand. Minimum stocks should be 25 or 50 pounds. Normally we recommend someone start with using one pound of bicarbonate in a bath but that could easily be two or three pounds in an emergency situation. You will also need a lot of magnesium salts and the very best and most penetrating of them is the magnesium chloride in the form of magnesium bath flakes. Dead Sea salt is also fine for this application because it is high in magnesium.
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Radiation decimates the body's supply of glutathione. Nebulization is one of the best ways to quickly increase glutathione levels as is the use of glutathione rectal suppositories. The main cancer risk from inhaled uranium oxide and other airborne radioactive particles is from tiny insoluble particles lodged deep in the lungs. That's a good reason to nebulize both glutathione and bicarbonate directly into the lungs and one must wonder why governments and health officials haven't sponsored this.
Uranium oxide can be inhaled by soldiers and civilians, it sticks to the lining of the lungs, it is taken up by cells of the immune systems and gets into lymph glands, bone, brain, hormone producing glands, ovaries and testes. It stays in these organs for many decades and is only very slowly excreted in urine. Nebulization topically treats the lung tissues allowing for best effect on contaminated lung tissues.
The scientist with the greatest genius, especially when it comes to mercury chelation, is Dr. Chris Shade. He has developed a sophisticated detoxification system based on enhancing the natural removal of metals through the intestines. Though his specialty is mercury, detoxification and chelation of radioactive poisons use the same pathways as mercury. He has developed three products that are effective for the removal of mercury including a liposome formula that allows us to get glutathione into the system via oral administration.
Combining his formulas with chlorella powder gives the best possible medical formula to help remove radioactive contamination as long as iodine, magnesium chloride, a super-food, spirulina-based powerful chlorophyll-rich formula that is easy to administer in high quantities because of its exceptionally pleasant taste, and edible clay are used as well. The intense levels of will quickly help build up a person's immune system and help them recover from the RNA/DNA damage caused by radiation exposure.
Uranium-238 is being eliminated in the hair using heavy metal detox protocols; to date there is no natural chelating agent known to mobilize and eliminate uranium-238 from body tissues.
Cilantro will move heavy metals and radioactive material out of the brain cells into the detoxification pathways with rectal suppositories of Detoxamin working on the liver's glutathione pathway to get the material out through the intestines. The internal consumption of edible clay and external clays dramatically facilitate this process. Zeolite clay baths are a very effective way of removing heavy metals from the body and increase one's chances of survival if exposed to nuclear fallout. Also activated charcoal powder in water will bind these toxins and pass them out of the body.
Iodine is the most obvious and important element in protecting against radiation damages. Radioactive iodine will plunge into any and all iodine receptor cites that have no iodine in them due to iodine deficiencies. This is a serious problem because over 90 percent of people in North America are iodine deficient. This leaves them incredibly vulnerable to radioactive iodine, which is one of the principle forms of radiation given off in nuclear accidents and from nuclear weapons.
Intravenous Cocktails
In cases of serious exposure, IV cocktails with high dosages of vitamin C, magnesium chloride or sulfate, sodium bicarbonate and very pure seawater full of all the minerals necessary for life would be ideal. Dr. David Brownstein administers a slow IV vitamin C drip--usually 25-50 gm, with minerals, and he adds 10cc of sodium bicarbonate.
The addition of bicarb to the IVs made a huge clinical improvement.
Nutrients to the Rescue
Spirulina and chlorella have been used heavily by the Russians after the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster. And the Japanese love their miso soup and that was said to help some of their citizens survive the fallout after the Americans attacked two of their cities. We recommend a green powder in high doses that is high spirulina and chlorella content because it is like rocket fuel for the cells, providing them with a broad range of concentrated nutrients.
Miso is effective for detoxifying your body of radiation. During World War II, two hospitals that were located side by side were hit with atomic radiation, in one hospital people consumed Miso and all of them survived while many people in the other hospital that did not take miso died. Miso is rich in vitamin B12 therefore it is suitable for vegetarians who are in shortage of vitamin B12. For best results do not cook miso.
There are a number of foods that can better help our bodies tolerate the effects of pollution. Eating lower on the food chain minimizes our chemical intake. Consuming more whole grains has a multitude of benefits, unless you are intolerant to certain grains. Their high fiber content binds with toxins and lessens intestinal transit time. Their vitamin B6 content nourishes the thymus gland and their vitamin E content helps the body to better utilize oxygen. The grain buckwheat is high in rutin and helps to protect against radiation and stimulates new bone marrow production. The mucilaginous fiber in seaweed helps to prevent the reabsorbing of radioactive strontium 90.
Following the bombing of Nagasaki, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoided radiation sickness by eating brown rice, miso and seaweed. They also did not get leukemia. Seaweeds also help to break down fatty deposits. High-chlorophyll foods like wheatgrass, barley grass, kale, collard greens, beet greens, swiss chard, etc. strengthen cells, transport oxygen, help to detoxify the blood and liver as well as help to neutralize polluting elements and stimulate RNA production. Sulfur-rich vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and mustard greens, as well as garlic, combine with heavy metals and help prevent free radical damage.
The sulfur compounds trigger increased expression of your glutathione system, which results in both metal detoxification and free radical neutralization. The other group of food compounds that do this is the polyphenolic antioxidants -- pine bark extract, green tea extract, grape seed extract, and Haritaki or terminalia chebula, an Ayurvedic fruit that is the basis for many medicines including the intestinal detoxifier Triphala. This fruit is used extensively in Tibetan Medicine where it is called the "King of Herbs." It has potent effects on the glutathione system and on expression of other intracellular antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD).
Research on animals indicates that curcumin (an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in the curry spice turmeric) may help protect against radiation-induced damage to the skin. Other research in animals shows that the herb ginkgo biloba may help shield against organ damage resulting from radiation therapy. And aloe vera is a natural remedy for radiation-induced skin changes preventing or minimizing radiation-induced skin reactions.
Soul Adventure School
Aspiring To Love, Learn, and Live For The Lord With All Of Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
We finished up our month of studying plants. The boys are very excited to be moving on to insects next.
Devotional: We talked about Bhagavad Gita 10.26 when Krishna says "Of all trees I am the banyan tree" and Bhagavad Gita 15.1-4 about the banyan tree. We also decorated the banyan tree in our yard with some nearby flowers.
Language Arts: We're halfway through Primary Phonics workbook 4. Govinda did pages 24-40. It covered some new stuff like words ending with 'le' like apple and compound words like chipmunk and pineapple. We reviewed 'th' and 'wh' and practiced differentiating similar words like tree and three and can and candle. I'm looking forward to starting r-controlled vowels next! I think he's ready for this new stuff now that the long/short vowel practice has been going on for a while. There are readers that go along with this workbook that I haven't gotten yet but may get soon since they look nice.
Math: We're doing well with Math Mammoth 1B on place value, practicing with tens and ones. He did pages 4-27. We also played with place value number and picture cards, and those really help get an idea of the difference between ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. If we keep doing a page everyday, we will be done in 3 months.
Science: We read more library books about trees and drew some in our book. Govinda really likes the redwoods, so we got some extra books about them and he made one out paper for his lego men to climb. We reviewed all about plants and trees and stapled our plant book together. On to insects we go in our Creation study!
Last but not least is the wonderful news that I have been blessed with a new computer, which means I will be able to share more pictures soon. Thank you everyone for your love and support!
Devotional: We talked about Bhagavad Gita 10.26 when Krishna says "Of all trees I am the banyan tree" and Bhagavad Gita 15.1-4 about the banyan tree. We also decorated the banyan tree in our yard with some nearby flowers.
Language Arts: We're halfway through Primary Phonics workbook 4. Govinda did pages 24-40. It covered some new stuff like words ending with 'le' like apple and compound words like chipmunk and pineapple. We reviewed 'th' and 'wh' and practiced differentiating similar words like tree and three and can and candle. I'm looking forward to starting r-controlled vowels next! I think he's ready for this new stuff now that the long/short vowel practice has been going on for a while. There are readers that go along with this workbook that I haven't gotten yet but may get soon since they look nice.
Math: We're doing well with Math Mammoth 1B on place value, practicing with tens and ones. He did pages 4-27. We also played with place value number and picture cards, and those really help get an idea of the difference between ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. If we keep doing a page everyday, we will be done in 3 months.
Science: We read more library books about trees and drew some in our book. Govinda really likes the redwoods, so we got some extra books about them and he made one out paper for his lego men to climb. We reviewed all about plants and trees and stapled our plant book together. On to insects we go in our Creation study!
Last but not least is the wonderful news that I have been blessed with a new computer, which means I will be able to share more pictures soon. Thank you everyone for your love and support!
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Flower-bearing Spring
Devotional: This week’s devotional was Bhagavad Gita 10.35 with Krishna saying “Of seasons, I am flower-bearing spring.” We talked about spring and the equinox and read stories about spring and flowers.
Language Arts: We’re really liking Primary Phonics. Workbook 4 is getting to be more challenging and still fun. He did up to page 24 this week, focusing on words ending with ank, ink, onk, unk, and ing. He really loves cursive, it seems to be more natural for him than printing.
Math: We had 7 more planned days with subtraction, but he kept saying it was too easy and wanted to move on. I said he could if he took the chapter test and got at least 20 out of 25 answers correct. He eagerly took the test and got 100%! One was originally wrong until he double checked it and found the mistake himself and corrected it. I guess subtraction is easy after spending so much time on addition! So, this week we finished up pages 82-84 of MM 1A. plus the test. Then we did the first 3 pages from MM 1B introducing place value and numbers to 100. We like this math program a lot. He’s having a lot of ‘a-ha’ moments with it.
Science: We added more to our plant book about local Hawaiian plants and their uses. We drew lots of flowers, including a 4 foot sunflower on the chalkboard. We labeled the parts of a tree and read about the rubber tree. Next week we will be finishing up our plant book and our month block of learning about plants.
Lots of love and gratitude to you all! :)
Language Arts: We’re really liking Primary Phonics. Workbook 4 is getting to be more challenging and still fun. He did up to page 24 this week, focusing on words ending with ank, ink, onk, unk, and ing. He really loves cursive, it seems to be more natural for him than printing.
Math: We had 7 more planned days with subtraction, but he kept saying it was too easy and wanted to move on. I said he could if he took the chapter test and got at least 20 out of 25 answers correct. He eagerly took the test and got 100%! One was originally wrong until he double checked it and found the mistake himself and corrected it. I guess subtraction is easy after spending so much time on addition! So, this week we finished up pages 82-84 of MM 1A. plus the test. Then we did the first 3 pages from MM 1B introducing place value and numbers to 100. We like this math program a lot. He’s having a lot of ‘a-ha’ moments with it.
Science: We added more to our plant book about local Hawaiian plants and their uses. We drew lots of flowers, including a 4 foot sunflower on the chalkboard. We labeled the parts of a tree and read about the rubber tree. Next week we will be finishing up our plant book and our month block of learning about plants.
Lots of love and gratitude to you all! :)
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Technical Difficulties
My slow computer isn’t turning on today, so my updates here will be short for a while. I’m still recording our adventures by hand and will hopefully be posting again here soon. Thanks and well wishes to you all! :)Christina Krishna Priya Dasi
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Flowers and Fruits


Devotional: We continued memorizing Bhagavad Gita 9.26 "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."
Science: We created flowers, leaves, roots, and sepals out of paper, the pistil and stamens out of pipe cleaners (we could only fit two), and the stem out of a straw to help remember the names of the parts of flowering plants. We drew and labeled the parts of a flower with a sliding piece of paper that reveals a pollen tube going down to the ovule. We colored and read about a different Hawai'ian plants and added them to our plant book. We read lots of great books about flowers, fruits, and gardens. How Groundhog's Garden Grew has been a favorite. We planted some seeds in the garden and weeded, too. Some beautiful plant drawings were also added to the plant book.
Language Arts: We started the next level of Primary Phonics workbook 4. We decided to skip workbook 3 because he didn't need that much review, and the new concepts he is already familiar with. So, pages 1-7 were completed. They focused on 'sh' and 'ch', which was review and good handwriting practice. This book gets into R controlled vowels later on, so it will soon be new, hard stuff, but he is ready for it. Govinda really wants to learn cursive, so I've been showing him the cursive letters on the chalkboard. Today, he wrote in his PP book with cursive! He likes how he knows where the letter the bottom, and it's fun how it keeps flowing without having to pick up the pencil. For reading, he's been practicing with Bob Books.
Math: He did Math Mammoth pages 73-82, which was more subtraction practice with fact families and their addition twins. He's really getting the facts down with the constant flashcards needed! He doesn't need to look at the abacus for most facts up to 10. He's been expressing his interest in place value and big numbers, so I'm looking forward to doing that as soon as we're done with subtraction in a week or two.
Thanks to all who care to read all of this! Infinite love and gratitude for you all! :)
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Friday, March 11, 2011
Seeds, Roots, Shoots, and Leaves!
Devotional: We wrote on the board Bhagavad Gita 9.26 "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it." We added leaves, flowers, and fruits around the border and discussed the verse. We read the story of the sacred Tulasi plant from the book we own called Beauty, Power, and Grace The Many Faces Of The Goddess.
Science: We're adding more to the Plant book everyday. We've drawn and labeled the parts of a seed, plant, and flower. We're watching celery stalks soak up water with red food coloring and drawing it. We've gathered leaves and made many leaf rubbings with block crayons. We've been reading about a different plant everyday and recording it's uses and other important things to know about it. We used Kukui nut (Candlenut) juice to mend a cut (after reading about it). We gathered Kukui nuts, which are 50% oil, and polished our wooden toys with it. Of course we read many library books about plants and how they grow. One library book called Plants Of Old Hawaii has been great with its catchy poems full of information on plants along with a black and white picture which I copy for the boys to color while I read about it.
Language Arts: This week Govinda finished the whole Primary Phonics workbook! It's a great feeling. He had fun looking back through the 80 pages of 40+ days worth of drawing, coloring, and writing work. These past two weeks, he did pages 57-80. He can easily read many long vowel words now. PP helped distinguish the difference between them.
Math: Govinda did Math Mammoth pages 60-72. Subtraction is really going well for him now. Math Mammoth may seem like ordinary workbook pages, but there's something really special about it that is making math really make sense. It makes him think for himself more than any other math program we've tried, which is working well for him.
This week we spent some time remembering our studies of Japan and sent prayers for everyone there for the 8.8 earthquake and tsunami. We discussed survival skills and the history of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Science: We're adding more to the Plant book everyday. We've drawn and labeled the parts of a seed, plant, and flower. We're watching celery stalks soak up water with red food coloring and drawing it. We've gathered leaves and made many leaf rubbings with block crayons. We've been reading about a different plant everyday and recording it's uses and other important things to know about it. We used Kukui nut (Candlenut) juice to mend a cut (after reading about it). We gathered Kukui nuts, which are 50% oil, and polished our wooden toys with it. Of course we read many library books about plants and how they grow. One library book called Plants Of Old Hawaii has been great with its catchy poems full of information on plants along with a black and white picture which I copy for the boys to color while I read about it.
Language Arts: This week Govinda finished the whole Primary Phonics workbook! It's a great feeling. He had fun looking back through the 80 pages of 40+ days worth of drawing, coloring, and writing work. These past two weeks, he did pages 57-80. He can easily read many long vowel words now. PP helped distinguish the difference between them.
Math: Govinda did Math Mammoth pages 60-72. Subtraction is really going well for him now. Math Mammoth may seem like ordinary workbook pages, but there's something really special about it that is making math really make sense. It makes him think for himself more than any other math program we've tried, which is working well for him.
This week we spent some time remembering our studies of Japan and sent prayers for everyone there for the 8.8 earthquake and tsunami. We discussed survival skills and the history of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Monday, February 28, 2011
Intro To Plants
Devotional: We wrote on the devotional chalkboard Bhagavad Gita 14.4 when Krishna says "It should be understood that all species of life are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father." We drew plants growing from seeds around as the border.
Science: This past week gently introduced our coming study vegetation with story books. Oh Say Can You Seed, Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, and The Lorax are their favorites so far. Govinda drew and labeled the parts of a plant for the main lesson book. We also found all of the seeds in the kitchen and put them in a glass with wet paper towels keeping them against the glass to easily watch them grow. We found mung beans, lentils, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, popcorn, wheat berries, rice, quinoa, millet, lemon seed, tangerine seed, and a cherry seed. The mung beans, mustard seeds, and wheat berries were the first to sprout. We discussed all the uses we have for plants and how important they are for life.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics is becoming more well loved every day! Govinda did pages 46-56, which focused on reviewing silent e words, 'oa', 'ai', and the long e sound spelled 'ea'. The highlight was a funny creation he calls 'pail man', a transformed picture of a pail in which Govinda adds a face to the book's drawing of a pail and draws a body, arms, and legs, sometimes upside down standing on his hands. I'm glad he's having fun writing 15+ spelling words every day to match the pictures. Primary Phonics is proving to be much more fun than spelling tests!
Math: This week Govinda finished chapter 1 on addition and took the test. He originally got 2 wrong, and when I asked him to double check, he corrected them. So, he scored a 91% or 100%, which is a good sign of success! We then started chapter 2 on subtraction and did pages 58-60. I was happy to hear him say 'subtraction is easy'! Since we worked so much on understanding the math facts as a whole and parts, he has realized that subtraction is the same as finding the missing part. This is a relief because when we were using CLE math back in fall, he hit a wall when we got to subtraction. I am seeing the benefits with the Asian method of understanding math compared to the American style of memorizing. Math Mammoth is a keeper for us!
Thanks to all of our well wishers for caring to read about our adventures in learning. Take care and God Bless!
Science: This past week gently introduced our coming study vegetation with story books. Oh Say Can You Seed, Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, and The Lorax are their favorites so far. Govinda drew and labeled the parts of a plant for the main lesson book. We also found all of the seeds in the kitchen and put them in a glass with wet paper towels keeping them against the glass to easily watch them grow. We found mung beans, lentils, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, popcorn, wheat berries, rice, quinoa, millet, lemon seed, tangerine seed, and a cherry seed. The mung beans, mustard seeds, and wheat berries were the first to sprout. We discussed all the uses we have for plants and how important they are for life.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics is becoming more well loved every day! Govinda did pages 46-56, which focused on reviewing silent e words, 'oa', 'ai', and the long e sound spelled 'ea'. The highlight was a funny creation he calls 'pail man', a transformed picture of a pail in which Govinda adds a face to the book's drawing of a pail and draws a body, arms, and legs, sometimes upside down standing on his hands. I'm glad he's having fun writing 15+ spelling words every day to match the pictures. Primary Phonics is proving to be much more fun than spelling tests!
Math: This week Govinda finished chapter 1 on addition and took the test. He originally got 2 wrong, and when I asked him to double check, he corrected them. So, he scored a 91% or 100%, which is a good sign of success! We then started chapter 2 on subtraction and did pages 58-60. I was happy to hear him say 'subtraction is easy'! Since we worked so much on understanding the math facts as a whole and parts, he has realized that subtraction is the same as finding the missing part. This is a relief because when we were using CLE math back in fall, he hit a wall when we got to subtraction. I am seeing the benefits with the Asian method of understanding math compared to the American style of memorizing. Math Mammoth is a keeper for us!
Thanks to all of our well wishers for caring to read about our adventures in learning. Take care and God Bless!
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Vegetation Book List
Antonio's rain forest by Lewington, Anna.
Banyan Drive : the stories of incredible people by Coombs, Ted.
The giving tree by Silverstein, Shel.
Grasses and grains by Greenaway, Theresa, 1947-
Grow, little one, grow! by Brigoli, Joy.
In the heart of the village : the world of the Indian Banyan tree by Bash, Barbara.
Janice VanCleave's plants : mind-boggling experiments you can turn into science fair projects. by VanCleave, Janice Pratt.
Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! by Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth.
The life cycle of a pine tree by Tagliaferro, Linda.
The Lorax by Seuss, Dr.
Plants of old Hawaii by Lucas, Lois.
Scholastic's The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow by Relf, Patricia.
Spring is here! : a story about seeds by Holub, Joan.
The surprise garden by Hall, Zoe, 1957-
To be like the sun by Swanson, Susan Marie.
Why do leaves change color by Maestro, Betsy.
Oh say can you seed? by Worth, Bonnie.
Acorn to oak tree by Owen, Oliver S., 1920-
Coat of the earth; the story of grass by HEADY, ELEANOR B.
Fables beneath the rainbow by Hayashi, Leslie Ann.
Fables from the garden by Hayashi, Leslie Ann.
A fruit is a suitcase for seeds by Richards, Jean, 1940-
I can name 50 trees today! by Worth, Bonnie.
I'm a seed /by Marzollo, Jean.
Lily's garden of India by Smith, Jeremy, 1974-
Plant packages : a book about seeds by Blackaby, Susan.
Plants and animals of Hawai'i by Scott, Susan, 1948-
Science with plants by Unwin, Mike.
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! by Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth.
The tiny seed by Carle, Eric.
Banyan Drive : the stories of incredible people by Coombs, Ted.
The giving tree by Silverstein, Shel.
Grasses and grains by Greenaway, Theresa, 1947-
Grow, little one, grow! by Brigoli, Joy.
In the heart of the village : the world of the Indian Banyan tree by Bash, Barbara.
Janice VanCleave's plants : mind-boggling experiments you can turn into science fair projects. by VanCleave, Janice Pratt.
Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! by Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth.
The life cycle of a pine tree by Tagliaferro, Linda.
The Lorax by Seuss, Dr.
Plants of old Hawaii by Lucas, Lois.
Scholastic's The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow by Relf, Patricia.
Spring is here! : a story about seeds by Holub, Joan.
The surprise garden by Hall, Zoe, 1957-
To be like the sun by Swanson, Susan Marie.
Why do leaves change color by Maestro, Betsy.
Oh say can you seed? by Worth, Bonnie.
Acorn to oak tree by Owen, Oliver S., 1920-
Coat of the earth; the story of grass by HEADY, ELEANOR B.
Fables beneath the rainbow by Hayashi, Leslie Ann.
Fables from the garden by Hayashi, Leslie Ann.
A fruit is a suitcase for seeds by Richards, Jean, 1940-
I can name 50 trees today! by Worth, Bonnie.
I'm a seed /by Marzollo, Jean.
Lily's garden of India by Smith, Jeremy, 1974-
Plant packages : a book about seeds by Blackaby, Susan.
Plants and animals of Hawai'i by Scott, Susan, 1948-
Science with plants by Unwin, Mike.
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! by Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth.
The tiny seed by Carle, Eric.
Book List-Science,
Aquatics Book Art
Here's a picture of Govinda's artwork from the Aquatics Book he made. One picture is of an ocean scene with whales and sharks and other small fish. The other picture is the Hawaii state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. He looked at a picture of one and carefully drew the design and colors.



Monday, February 21, 2011
Not Truly Fish
Devotional: We reviewed the story of Matsya and all other related verses to our study of aquatics.
Science: This past week was dedicated to starfish, jelly fish, and shellfish, which are not truly fish. They are invertebrates and do not have backbones, gills, and fins like true fish. Construction paper is always available for spontaneous arts and crafts, and Govinda made a jellyfish and octopus to add to his box of paper fish. I gotta get some pictures of these soon, they're works of art! We finished up the Aquatics main lesson book and it turned out really nice. He also drew a nice picture of these invertebrates for the main lesson book.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics pages 31-45 were completed. He really likes these books and sometimes does more than the 2 pages per day that I require. It's like a phonics and spelling workbook disguised as a fun and silly coloring book. It's all review for him, but the practice is really building his confidence. These pages were focused on silent e words and the vowel teams 'ie', 'oe', and 'oa'. We also did a few lessons from The Ordinary Parent's Guide To Teaching Reading, as we are just filling in the gaps to skip ahead to where I think his reading level is at. His reading level is way beyond his spelling level, and I'm considering reading the highest priority at his age and we'll get more serious about spelling in the years to come. Govinda is surprising me everyday by leaps and bounds by his sudden advancement in reading abilities. I'm planning on using OPGTR to eventually take him to a 4th grade level. He likes the tongue twister poems and silly stories better than controlled readers. Both the boys crack up from one poem story that says "the tank sank...yank the tank!"
Math: Math Mammoth pages 47-53. These pages were very full, but he was able to finish each one in one sitting. Each page focused on reviewing sums of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Next will be the Chapter 1 test on addition, but I'm going to give it to him as another worksheet without calling it a test, but still observing how he does completely on his own. The constant practice and review of math facts is really helping him get familiar with them. He's even doing math for fun with sidewalk chalk and it seems he is thinking mathematically on his own. He likes MM and wants to keep going with it! The next chapter is onto subtraction!
I'm preparing for our next Creation science study on Vegetation and it looks like fun! :)
Science: This past week was dedicated to starfish, jelly fish, and shellfish, which are not truly fish. They are invertebrates and do not have backbones, gills, and fins like true fish. Construction paper is always available for spontaneous arts and crafts, and Govinda made a jellyfish and octopus to add to his box of paper fish. I gotta get some pictures of these soon, they're works of art! We finished up the Aquatics main lesson book and it turned out really nice. He also drew a nice picture of these invertebrates for the main lesson book.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics pages 31-45 were completed. He really likes these books and sometimes does more than the 2 pages per day that I require. It's like a phonics and spelling workbook disguised as a fun and silly coloring book. It's all review for him, but the practice is really building his confidence. These pages were focused on silent e words and the vowel teams 'ie', 'oe', and 'oa'. We also did a few lessons from The Ordinary Parent's Guide To Teaching Reading, as we are just filling in the gaps to skip ahead to where I think his reading level is at. His reading level is way beyond his spelling level, and I'm considering reading the highest priority at his age and we'll get more serious about spelling in the years to come. Govinda is surprising me everyday by leaps and bounds by his sudden advancement in reading abilities. I'm planning on using OPGTR to eventually take him to a 4th grade level. He likes the tongue twister poems and silly stories better than controlled readers. Both the boys crack up from one poem story that says "the tank sank...yank the tank!"
Math: Math Mammoth pages 47-53. These pages were very full, but he was able to finish each one in one sitting. Each page focused on reviewing sums of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Next will be the Chapter 1 test on addition, but I'm going to give it to him as another worksheet without calling it a test, but still observing how he does completely on his own. The constant practice and review of math facts is really helping him get familiar with them. He's even doing math for fun with sidewalk chalk and it seems he is thinking mathematically on his own. He likes MM and wants to keep going with it! The next chapter is onto subtraction!
I'm preparing for our next Creation science study on Vegetation and it looks like fun! :)
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Whales and Dolphins
Devotional: "Krishna is an ocean of mercy" was on the chalkboard and the boys had fun drawing more waves and fish around it. We discussed what mercy and grace are. We also talked about Bhagavad Gita 10.24 when Krishna says "of bodies of water, I am the ocean".
Science: We read a lot of books about whales and dolphins. We saw humpback whales at the beach (thanks to the Lord for that perfect field trip). We compared baleen and toothed whales as well as the different sizes of different kinds of whales. We added a ven diagram to the book comparing the similarities and difference between fish and whales. We pondered how amazing it is that the Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world and lives off of some of the smallest animals in the world. The history of whaling was sad to learn, so we are so thankful that it has stopped. We will spend one more week finishing up our Aquatics main lesson book and will next move on to vegetation, as we continue with our Creation science study.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics pages 15-30 were completed, reviewing more silent e words with long a, long i, and long o. He surprised me by reading a very advanced library book, and it seems that more decoding skills have taken a leap!
Math: Math Mammoth pages 40-47 were completed, which focused on sums of 9 and 10 and review of greater than/less than and adding on a number line. Daily practice of math facts is starting to sink in! Next week we'll be done with this chapter on addition and will take a test and then move on to subtraction!
Science: We read a lot of books about whales and dolphins. We saw humpback whales at the beach (thanks to the Lord for that perfect field trip). We compared baleen and toothed whales as well as the different sizes of different kinds of whales. We added a ven diagram to the book comparing the similarities and difference between fish and whales. We pondered how amazing it is that the Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world and lives off of some of the smallest animals in the world. The history of whaling was sad to learn, so we are so thankful that it has stopped. We will spend one more week finishing up our Aquatics main lesson book and will next move on to vegetation, as we continue with our Creation science study.
Language Arts: Primary Phonics pages 15-30 were completed, reviewing more silent e words with long a, long i, and long o. He surprised me by reading a very advanced library book, and it seems that more decoding skills have taken a leap!
Math: Math Mammoth pages 40-47 were completed, which focused on sums of 9 and 10 and review of greater than/less than and adding on a number line. Daily practice of math facts is starting to sink in! Next week we'll be done with this chapter on addition and will take a test and then move on to subtraction!
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Matsya, Fish, and the Food Chain
We continued with our aquatics block with a study based on the story of Matsya from the Srimad Bhagavatam 8.24.
Devotional: 'Krishna is an ocean of mercy!' We wrote this on the devotional chalk board and drew lots of waves on the ocean of mercy.
Science: We read the story of Matsya several times, which taught the places where fish live...pots/bowls/aquariums, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and the ocean. Govinda drew a picture for each in the main lesson book. The Matsya story also taught about the aquatic food chain, which he drew. We discussed and drew how fish protect themselves. We read many library books about fish and how they live and drew many different kinds. The whale shark is the biggest fish and had a few special drawings in the book along with many sharks. Especially fun was the Hawaii state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
Language Arts: Govinda did 8 pages of Primary Phonics workbook 2 which practiced 'long i' words with silent e.
Math: He did 4 action packed Math Mammoth pages focused on sums of 8. Greater than/less than was reviewed.
Devotional: 'Krishna is an ocean of mercy!' We wrote this on the devotional chalk board and drew lots of waves on the ocean of mercy.
Science: We read the story of Matsya several times, which taught the places where fish live...pots/bowls/aquariums, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and the ocean. Govinda drew a picture for each in the main lesson book. The Matsya story also taught about the aquatic food chain, which he drew. We discussed and drew how fish protect themselves. We read many library books about fish and how they live and drew many different kinds. The whale shark is the biggest fish and had a few special drawings in the book along with many sharks. Especially fun was the Hawaii state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
Language Arts: Govinda did 8 pages of Primary Phonics workbook 2 which practiced 'long i' words with silent e.
Math: He did 4 action packed Math Mammoth pages focused on sums of 8. Greater than/less than was reviewed.
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Water Cycle
We started our aquatics block with the water cycle, based on the Creation book.
Devotional: Krishna is the taste of water! We wrote this on our devotional chalkboard and the boys drew rain, rivers, and ocean, and a glass of water. This is based on the Bhagavad Gita verse 7.8, which we discussed and reviewed.
Science: Govinda drew a beautiful drawing of the water cycle for the aqautics main lesson book. We learned this song to the tune of 'She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain':
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does! Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
It goes up as evaporation, forms clouds as condensation, and falls as precipitation!
Language Arts: We stopped ETC3 and switched to Primary Phonics, which he likes much better. They're by the same publisher, but the drawings in PP are much nicer and in the mode of goodness. Even I didn't like the drawing on the cover of ETC3 and had to cover it up (it shows a picture for mad and made). PP is what Montessori schools use. It's like a good coloring book, and he enjoys coloring the pictures and writing the matching words. We may try some of the readers that go with it. He's gone through 8 pages covering 'long a' words with silent e. It's all review, but very needed to master those silent e words.
Math: We've been working our way through Math Mammoth and has completed 12 action packed pages since I last posted about math. We're working on mastering sums of 5, 6, and 7. He's catching on quickly and can do more in one sitting now. MM is working well and Rightstart isn't realistically happening at all. The RS abacus it essential for him to do MM, and he is starting to see the abacus in his mind.
Devotional: Krishna is the taste of water! We wrote this on our devotional chalkboard and the boys drew rain, rivers, and ocean, and a glass of water. This is based on the Bhagavad Gita verse 7.8, which we discussed and reviewed.
Science: Govinda drew a beautiful drawing of the water cycle for the aqautics main lesson book. We learned this song to the tune of 'She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain':
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does! Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
It goes up as evaporation, forms clouds as condensation, and falls as precipitation!
Language Arts: We stopped ETC3 and switched to Primary Phonics, which he likes much better. They're by the same publisher, but the drawings in PP are much nicer and in the mode of goodness. Even I didn't like the drawing on the cover of ETC3 and had to cover it up (it shows a picture for mad and made). PP is what Montessori schools use. It's like a good coloring book, and he enjoys coloring the pictures and writing the matching words. We may try some of the readers that go with it. He's gone through 8 pages covering 'long a' words with silent e. It's all review, but very needed to master those silent e words.
Math: We've been working our way through Math Mammoth and has completed 12 action packed pages since I last posted about math. We're working on mastering sums of 5, 6, and 7. He's catching on quickly and can do more in one sitting now. MM is working well and Rightstart isn't realistically happening at all. The RS abacus it essential for him to do MM, and he is starting to see the abacus in his mind.
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Aquatics Book List
Aquatics Book List (water, ocean, fish, and marine mammals):
About fish : a guide for children by Sill, Cathryn P.
Across the big blue sea : an ocean wildlife book by Wood, Jakki.
Amazing whales! by Thomson, Sarah L.
Baby whale rescue : the true story of J.J. by Arnold, Caroline.
Baby whales drink milk by Esbensen, Barbara Juster.
Blue sea by Kalan, Robert.
By the ocean : learning the long O sound by Richter, Abigail, 1971-
I wonder why the sea is salty and other questions about the oceans by Ganeri, Anita, 1961-
The magic school bus on the ocean floor by Cole, Joanna.
The rainbow fish by Pfister, Marcus.
What's it like to be a fish? by Pfeffer, Wendy
Amazing dolphins! by Thomson, Sarah L.
Curious clownfish by Maddern, Eric.
Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at daybreak by Osborne, Mary Pope.
Dolphins at daybreak by Osborne, Mary Pope.
Dolphins! by Behrens, June.
Fidgety fish and friends by Bright, Paul,
Fish, fish, fish by Adams, Georgie.
Follow the water from brook to ocean by Dorros, Arthur.
Hidden under the sea : the world beneath the waves by Kent, Peter, 1949-
I can read about whales and dolphins by Anderson, J. I.
Janice VanCleave's oceans for every kid : easy activities that make learning science fun. by VanCleave, Janice Pratt.
Mysteries of the ocean deep by Dipper, Frances, 1951-
Ocean friends by Nelson, Robert Lyn, 1955-
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish by Seuss, Dr.
Sammy, the seal by Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004.
SWIMMY by Lionni, Leo, 1910-1999.
Whales : the gentle giants by Milton, Joyce.
Winter whale by Ryder, Joanne.
Awesome ocean science! : investigating the secrets of the underwater world by Littlefield, Cindy A., 1956-
Clam-I-am! by Rabe, Tish.
Exploring the ocean depths : the final frontier by Jedicke, Peter.
Fabulous fishes by Stockdale, Susan.
Fish is fish by Lionni, Leo,
A fish out of water by Palmer, Helen Marion, 1898-
I get wet by Cobb, Vicki.
Let's try it out in the water : hands-on early-learning science activities by Simon, Seymour.
The magic school bus at the waterworks by Cole, Joanna.
Oceans & art activities. by Sacks, Janet.
*Splish splash by Weeks, Sarah.
Aquatics Verses:
Bhagavad Gita: 2.70, 7.8, 9.26, 10.31
Srimad Bhagavatam: 5.18.13, 6.6.26, 8.24
Water Cycle Song:
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
It goes up as evaporation,
Forms clouds as condensation,
And falls as precipitation!
About fish : a guide for children by Sill, Cathryn P.
Across the big blue sea : an ocean wildlife book by Wood, Jakki.
Amazing whales! by Thomson, Sarah L.
Baby whale rescue : the true story of J.J. by Arnold, Caroline.
Baby whales drink milk by Esbensen, Barbara Juster.
Blue sea by Kalan, Robert.
By the ocean : learning the long O sound by Richter, Abigail, 1971-
I wonder why the sea is salty and other questions about the oceans by Ganeri, Anita, 1961-
The magic school bus on the ocean floor by Cole, Joanna.
The rainbow fish by Pfister, Marcus.
What's it like to be a fish? by Pfeffer, Wendy
Amazing dolphins! by Thomson, Sarah L.
Curious clownfish by Maddern, Eric.
Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at daybreak by Osborne, Mary Pope.
Dolphins at daybreak by Osborne, Mary Pope.
Dolphins! by Behrens, June.
Fidgety fish and friends by Bright, Paul,
Fish, fish, fish by Adams, Georgie.
Follow the water from brook to ocean by Dorros, Arthur.
Hidden under the sea : the world beneath the waves by Kent, Peter, 1949-
I can read about whales and dolphins by Anderson, J. I.
Janice VanCleave's oceans for every kid : easy activities that make learning science fun. by VanCleave, Janice Pratt.
Mysteries of the ocean deep by Dipper, Frances, 1951-
Ocean friends by Nelson, Robert Lyn, 1955-
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish by Seuss, Dr.
Sammy, the seal by Hoff, Syd, 1912-2004.
SWIMMY by Lionni, Leo, 1910-1999.
Whales : the gentle giants by Milton, Joyce.
Winter whale by Ryder, Joanne.
Awesome ocean science! : investigating the secrets of the underwater world by Littlefield, Cindy A., 1956-
Clam-I-am! by Rabe, Tish.
Exploring the ocean depths : the final frontier by Jedicke, Peter.
Fabulous fishes by Stockdale, Susan.
Fish is fish by Lionni, Leo,
A fish out of water by Palmer, Helen Marion, 1898-
I get wet by Cobb, Vicki.
Let's try it out in the water : hands-on early-learning science activities by Simon, Seymour.
The magic school bus at the waterworks by Cole, Joanna.
Oceans & art activities. by Sacks, Janet.
*Splish splash by Weeks, Sarah.
Aquatics Verses:
Bhagavad Gita: 2.70, 7.8, 9.26, 10.31
Srimad Bhagavatam: 5.18.13, 6.6.26, 8.24
Water Cycle Song:
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!
It goes up as evaporation,
Forms clouds as condensation,
And falls as precipitation!
Book List-Science,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Time and Space
We've read a lot of books about the sun, moon, and planets. We made a model of the solar system that hangs from the ceiling above Govinda's bed. The fan blows them so the spin! We are making a book with drawings of each planet. We drew the wheel of the sun with the 12 months as the spokes and the seasons as the rim. We drew the days of the week as they are named after the closer planets. We drew the phases of the moon with white crayon on black paper. We read from scriptures about our universe and discussed the differences between Vedic cosmology and modern astronomy. We drew on the chalkboard the sun and moon and wrote "Krishna is the light of the sun and moon", based on Bhagavad Gita 7.8.
Space Booklist:
Another day in the Milky Way by Milgrim, David
Bear shadow by Asch, Frank
Blast off! : a space counting book by Cole, Norma
Dogs in space by Coffelt, Nancy
Happy birthday, moon by Asch, Frank
*The magic school bus, lost in the solar system by Cole, Joanna
Planets around the sun by Simon, Seymour
*Sun bread by Kleven, Elisa
The sun is always shining somewhere by Fowler, Allan.
Sun up, sun down by Gibbons, Gail
Sun up, sun down : the story of day and night by Bailey, Jacqui
The sun's day by Gerstein, Mordicai
The sun's family of planets by Fowler, Allan
Sunshine, moonshine by Armstrong, Jennifer
Thomas on the moon by Awdry, W. Railway series.
What the sun sees ; What the moon sees by Tafuri, Nancy
Who likes the sun? by Kaner, Etta
Hello sun! by Wilhelm, Hans
Me and my shadow by Dorros, Arthur
My light by Bang, Molly
Regards to the man in the moon by Keats, Ezra Jack
Under the sun by Kandoian, Ellen
Where does the sun go at night by Ginsburg, Mirra
Space Verses:
Bhagavad Gita: 4.1, 7.8, 8.16, 10.21, 11.20
Srimad Bhagavatam: 3.6.15, 3.11.14-15, 5.20.45-46, 5.21.13, 5.22.5, 11.19.
Brahma Samhita: 5.52
Space Booklist:
Another day in the Milky Way by Milgrim, David
Bear shadow by Asch, Frank
Blast off! : a space counting book by Cole, Norma
Dogs in space by Coffelt, Nancy
Happy birthday, moon by Asch, Frank
*The magic school bus, lost in the solar system by Cole, Joanna
Planets around the sun by Simon, Seymour
*Sun bread by Kleven, Elisa
The sun is always shining somewhere by Fowler, Allan.
Sun up, sun down by Gibbons, Gail
Sun up, sun down : the story of day and night by Bailey, Jacqui
The sun's day by Gerstein, Mordicai
The sun's family of planets by Fowler, Allan
Sunshine, moonshine by Armstrong, Jennifer
Thomas on the moon by Awdry, W. Railway series.
What the sun sees ; What the moon sees by Tafuri, Nancy
Who likes the sun? by Kaner, Etta
Hello sun! by Wilhelm, Hans
Me and my shadow by Dorros, Arthur
My light by Bang, Molly
Regards to the man in the moon by Keats, Ezra Jack
Under the sun by Kandoian, Ellen
Where does the sun go at night by Ginsburg, Mirra
Space Verses:
Bhagavad Gita: 4.1, 7.8, 8.16, 10.21, 11.20
Srimad Bhagavatam: 3.6.15, 3.11.14-15, 5.20.45-46, 5.21.13, 5.22.5, 11.19.
Brahma Samhita: 5.52
Book List-Science,
Grade 1,
Creation Unit Study for 2011
We will be studying aspects of science with homemade unit studies based on a wonderful book about the Vedic creation story called Creation: A Story From Ancient India by Rasamandala Das and Ananta Shakti Das. The boys love this book and we have already read it several times. It summarizes stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam with beautiful pictures.

We will be spending a month on each of the different subjects:
January - Time and Space
February - Aquatics
March - Vegetation
April - Insects
May - Reptiles
June - Birds
July - Mammals
August - Human beings/body
We'll read library books, make our own books, and do science experiments and art projects. After a year of geography, science themes seem especially exciting!

We will be spending a month on each of the different subjects:
January - Time and Space
February - Aquatics
March - Vegetation
April - Insects
May - Reptiles
June - Birds
July - Mammals
August - Human beings/body
We'll read library books, make our own books, and do science experiments and art projects. After a year of geography, science themes seem especially exciting!
Picture-less 2011
We finished up our year long study of world geography through stories in December. It was a lot of fun and we all learned a lot! Now we will be spending the next year focusing on science unit studies.
Unfortunately, my iphoto has completely stopped working for me, so I am unable to post any pictures until I can get it fixed. I will keep posting our adventures in the meantime!
Unfortunately, my iphoto has completely stopped working for me, so I am unable to post any pictures until I can get it fixed. I will keep posting our adventures in the meantime!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We took the week off to give thanks and have some family together time. We read lots of USA stories as we finish up our year of world geography and will be coming home to Hawai'i stories soon. I'm considering the work of hand making Christmas gifts to be our school projects for the coming month.
Our devotional verse for this week was Bhagavad Gita 10.35 when Krishna says "Of months I am Mārgaśīrṣa [November-December]" and Srila Prabhupada explains in the purport "The month of November-December is considered the best of all months because in India grains are collected from the fields at this time and the people become very happy." 'Tis the season to be thankful!
Our devotional verse for this week was Bhagavad Gita 10.35 when Krishna says "Of months I am Mārgaśīrṣa [November-December]" and Srila Prabhupada explains in the purport "The month of November-December is considered the best of all months because in India grains are collected from the fields at this time and the people become very happy." 'Tis the season to be thankful!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Long E, Sums with 5, and USA
We had family visiting and took last week off from school. This week was focused on getting back into the school groove and catching up on household chores, so I decided to do a little bit less normal.
Devotional: We picked a lot of flowers to offer and focused on Bhagavad Gita 9.26: "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."
Language Arts: Govinda completed all 8 pages of ETC3 lesson 10, which was about the 'long e' sound spelled 'ee' and 'ea'. His reading and writing skills are getting more fluent and faster with this weekly practice.
Math: We did 2 very full pages from MM on sums with 5. We will probably do this again for next week's sums with 6 so that it's not too much of a workload. We usually do 4 pages per week, but these pages have a lot of problems, and we had a busy week last week, so it's working out nicely to reduce this week's work.
Geography: We read more stories about the USA. This week's favorite was Lentil, and Bee Tree is still requested often. We also read Twister On Tuesday (Magic Tree House) and Red, White, and Blue. Once all of the USA library book requests are in, we will take it easy and review our year of world geography and return to our intro to geography books.
Devotional: We picked a lot of flowers to offer and focused on Bhagavad Gita 9.26: "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."
Language Arts: Govinda completed all 8 pages of ETC3 lesson 10, which was about the 'long e' sound spelled 'ee' and 'ea'. His reading and writing skills are getting more fluent and faster with this weekly practice.
Math: We did 2 very full pages from MM on sums with 5. We will probably do this again for next week's sums with 6 so that it's not too much of a workload. We usually do 4 pages per week, but these pages have a lot of problems, and we had a busy week last week, so it's working out nicely to reduce this week's work.
Geography: We read more stories about the USA. This week's favorite was Lentil, and Bee Tree is still requested often. We also read Twister On Tuesday (Magic Tree House) and Red, White, and Blue. Once all of the USA library book requests are in, we will take it easy and review our year of world geography and return to our intro to geography books.
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
World Geography
Friday, November 5, 2010
Govardhan, Phonics Review, Missing Number, US East Coast
Devotional: We read chapters 24 and 25 of The Krishna Book in honor of Govardhan Puja this coming Saturday. This book doesn't have pictures, so I read it while they play with play dough and that is working very nicely for all of us. I love reading this book to them! They made Govardhana Hill our of play dough and held it on their little fingers. We drew Govardhan Hill on the chalkboard all together and Govinda drew it with crayons on paper. Jai Govardhan Puja!
Language Arts: We did all 8 pages of ETC4 lesson 9. It was reviewing everything learned in the first 8 lessons, plus some new digraphs with h and silent e words. He did well with it all and is getting more and more comfortable with long vowels with silent e. Handwriting is looking great these days and I'll try to get a picture of his nicely formed letters.
Math: We did Math Mammoth this week, pages 19-22. The focus was on finding the missing number. G really likes the abacus and uses it to solve all of his equations. I love how he has these 'ah ha' moments as he gets a strong foundation in addition facts up to 5. It feels so much better than just memorizing without thinking. MM is growing on us! I like how he is actually doing pre-algebra while practicing math facts. ( 2 + ? = 5).
Geography: We're reading the many library books about the east coast. I'll recall our favorites later. We're cruising through the US a little quicker now that we're almost done with our world trip and we're ready to read more Hawaii books. I plan on doing US history in the future, so I'm not going too far into US geography right now. This is just an overview and gentle introduction the the 50 states. The sad stories of war and slavery are just too much for this young age, IMO.
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
World Geography
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ch-Ch-Chant and Greater Than / Less Than
Devotional: This week's devotional was the simple motto "Chant and be happy!" We read all of our stories with Lord Chaitanya and discussed the instructions to be 'as humble as a blade of grass and as tolerant as a tree".
Language Arts: This week was focused on the 'ch' sound and completed all 8 pages of lesson 7 in ETC3. He definitely gets the hang of 'ch' now. We retold the Hopeful H (digraphs with h) story and practiced how Tired T holds the short vowel rod so Clever C will smile and Hopeful H can say 'ch-ch-cheese' for the picture. We also thought of all the words that have this sound and ended up drawing a big picture of chickens with chicks eating cheese and more.
Math: This week in math, we started with Righstart lesson 15 about partioning 10, but the worksheet was a little confusing and I decided to not have him finish it to avoid frustration. For the rest of the week, we went back to Math Mammoth and completed two pages on greater than and less than, which was very easy review for Govinda, but it really helped him feel more confident about math. MM is so much easier for me, and Govinda actually likes to work independently with me checking each equation after he does it. So, now I'm leaning more towards MM full time since it is so easy to use and very well made to keep him thinking!
Geography: We read many new stories about the southeast USA and the east coast states. I didn't want to push any history stuff since it can be disturbing, but G was really interested in Red, White, And Blue, a simple story of how the American flag came about. We will be coloring the flag next week after reviewing the story. I can't believe it's been almost a year of our world geography tour, and we're almost home!
And that's another week at the Soul Adventure School!
Language Arts: This week was focused on the 'ch' sound and completed all 8 pages of lesson 7 in ETC3. He definitely gets the hang of 'ch' now. We retold the Hopeful H (digraphs with h) story and practiced how Tired T holds the short vowel rod so Clever C will smile and Hopeful H can say 'ch-ch-cheese' for the picture. We also thought of all the words that have this sound and ended up drawing a big picture of chickens with chicks eating cheese and more.
Math: This week in math, we started with Righstart lesson 15 about partioning 10, but the worksheet was a little confusing and I decided to not have him finish it to avoid frustration. For the rest of the week, we went back to Math Mammoth and completed two pages on greater than and less than, which was very easy review for Govinda, but it really helped him feel more confident about math. MM is so much easier for me, and Govinda actually likes to work independently with me checking each equation after he does it. So, now I'm leaning more towards MM full time since it is so easy to use and very well made to keep him thinking!
Geography: We read many new stories about the southeast USA and the east coast states. I didn't want to push any history stuff since it can be disturbing, but G was really interested in Red, White, And Blue, a simple story of how the American flag came about. We will be coloring the flag next week after reviewing the story. I can't believe it's been almost a year of our world geography tour, and we're almost home!
And that's another week at the Soul Adventure School!
Alphabet Island,
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
World Geography
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Plan
I've added a new introduction to every new day. We mark the day on the calendar, say the whole date together. Then we think of everything we need and want to do and write it on the board so we don't forget. Govinda started copying it from the board onto his own will! He carried it around all day and referred back to it throughout the day. Here's the plan he wrote, it's a basic summary of our weekdays. Play, school, stories, clean, play. That's the plan, man!
USA, Volcanoes, 'Th' and 'Wh', and Partioning To 10, Oh My!
Geography/Geology/Art: We read stories from the Southeast USA. So far, the favorites are Rabbit Goes To Kansas, Chicken Joy On Redbean Road, and The Great Pig Search. We also read a National Geographic magazine with pictures of Mt. St. Helens. This lead to a reading of The Magic School Bus Blows It's Top. Then, the boys wanted to explode our clay volcano with baking soda, vinegar, dish soap and paint. So, we did! Then, we painted volcanoes with watercolors. Govinda made Mt. St. Helens, a cinder cone volcano. Navin and I painted Mauna Loa, a shield volcano. We had read about volcanoes a few weeks ago in Mexico with the story Hill Of FIre, where a farmer's field became a volcano. "He was a volcano farmer, and what a crop he grew!"







Fun: We made a new batch of homemade play dough. The boys really enjoy kneading it and then playing with it for many weeks until we make a new, fresh batch.

Language Arts: This week was continuing with the Hopeful H photo story. The focus was on 'wh' and 'th'. Govinda did all 8 pages of ETC3 lesson 6. Wonderful W blows out the candle with all of his questions "Who? What? Where? When? Why?". We also brought out the whistle and recorder flute for fun.
Math: This week we worked on finding the missing part with sums of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 when one part is 5. G did 4 pages of whole/part partioning with 12 problems on each page. He seems to know them now, but we will review it again soon so that it's not forgotten. The song is helping to remember, and since he seems to be an auditory learner, that will be our review also. We didn't do any MM and he seemed happy about has a lot of problems on a page. Doing 12 of all the same thing was more enjoyable for him. One day this week, I said that he only has to do 6 of the problems, and he insisted on doing all 12. So we will be sticking with RS as much as possible since he is liking it a lot.
Well, that wraps up another busy week in our Soul Adventure School! Thanks to all our supporters and well wishers! I'm also happy to announce that I finally figured out how to center the pictures on the blog. Take care and God Bless!
Fun: We made a new batch of homemade play dough. The boys really enjoy kneading it and then playing with it for many weeks until we make a new, fresh batch.
Language Arts: This week was continuing with the Hopeful H photo story. The focus was on 'wh' and 'th'. Govinda did all 8 pages of ETC3 lesson 6. Wonderful W blows out the candle with all of his questions "Who? What? Where? When? Why?". We also brought out the whistle and recorder flute for fun.
Math: This week we worked on finding the missing part with sums of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 when one part is 5. G did 4 pages of whole/part partioning with 12 problems on each page. He seems to know them now, but we will review it again soon so that it's not forgotten. The song is helping to remember, and since he seems to be an auditory learner, that will be our review also. We didn't do any MM and he seemed happy about has a lot of problems on a page. Doing 12 of all the same thing was more enjoyable for him. One day this week, I said that he only has to do 6 of the problems, and he insisted on doing all 12. So we will be sticking with RS as much as possible since he is liking it a lot.
Well, that wraps up another busy week in our Soul Adventure School! Thanks to all our supporters and well wishers! I'm also happy to announce that I finally figured out how to center the pictures on the blog. Take care and God Bless!
Alphabet Island,
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Photo Time With Hopeful H!
Devotional: In Bhagavad Gita 10.38, Krishna says "Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom." This goes along with our phonics theme of "sh". We also discussed the saying "knowledge speaks but wisdom listens".
Language Arts: We read the Alphabet Island story about Hopeful H setting up his photo booth to take pictures. The flash on his camera doesn't work, so he lights a candle. This story is about digraphs with h (sh, wh, ch, th, and ph). We will be reviewing it for a few weeks while we practice with Explode The Code. This week we focused on 'sh' and did all 8 pages of ETC3 lesson 5. Sloppy S won't stop talking, so Hopeful H says "sh".
Math: We did Addition Practice on pages 14 and 15 from Math Mammoth. We did several activities from Rightstart Math and one page on counting pennies and nickels. This is all review and practice as we are working on getting a solid understanding of sums up to 5. Govinda has expressed his preference of RS over MM, as we've been trying out both to see which is best for us. RS is harder for me, but the method is so great that I'm going to try my best to do it. Playing card games with a three year old around isn't always easy!
Geography: We read many stories from the Southwest USA. So far, our favorites are Humphrey The Lost Whale and Armadillo Rodeo. We're going to the Southeast USA next week!
And that wraps up another busy week for our Soul Adventure School.
Alphabet Island,
Grade 1,
World Geography
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Watercolor Wednesday Rainbow
Monday, October 11, 2010
0 + 0 = 0
Thank You Again And Again
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Adios, Mexico!
Language Arts: We finished all 8 pages of lesson 4 from ETC3, which was focused on 'silent e' words with initial blends. Govinda has taken more toward writing than reading lately, so we're going with that since his handwriting is getting better all the time with more practice.

Math: We did the first 4 pages of Math Mammoth, each with 15+ addition practice problems with sums under 5. He did great with it and had fun turning circles around dots into tracks of excavators and bulldozers!
Geography: We read more stories about and from Mexico and we never got around to making a pinata. We're keeping on moving, though, and started reading stories about the Southwest USA.
We have a big 6-year-old birthday this week, so we are taking it easy with school and having fun with birthday bliss!
Math: We did the first 4 pages of Math Mammoth, each with 15+ addition practice problems with sums under 5. He did great with it and had fun turning circles around dots into tracks of excavators and bulldozers!
Geography: We read more stories about and from Mexico and we never got around to making a pinata. We're keeping on moving, though, and started reading stories about the Southwest USA.
We have a big 6-year-old birthday this week, so we are taking it easy with school and having fun with birthday bliss!
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
World Geography
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Camping Out In Mexico With Silent Everloving E And An Abacus!
Language Arts: You know that changing vowel sounds is not an easy job, so we're camping out with Silent Everloving E for a while until it's all well understood. At least we on a world tour, so we are practicing our silent e words while in Mexico, where Everloving E can be on vacation because in Spanish, there's no Silent E. We finished all 8 pages of Lesson 3 in Explode The Code 3. We'll spend another week or so really mastering long vowels with silent e.
World Geography: We read many stories from Mexico. Our favorites so far are Mice and Beans, The Old Man And His Door, Cocoa Ice, The Parrot Tico Tango, The Tale Of Rabbit and Coyote, and Under The Lemon Moon. We stamped the passports and are getting ready for some fun Mexico activities. I've been introducing Spanish words from the stories and teaching more expressions in Spanish throughout the day. Que bueno!
Math: We're trying out Rightstart Math Level B. So far he likes it. It is more teacher intensive for me, but so far it's ok with me when learning is fun. We skipped the first lessons and started with lessons 9, 10, and 11. It's Asian style math based on the abacus, which is a wonderful math tool. I plan on supplementing with Math Mammoth since Rightstart does not have very many worksheets and I may not get around to all the games intended for reinforcement. On days when RS is too demanding on me with a terrific three year old around, I can give him a MM page and some math still gets done. So far, so good!
World Geography: We read many stories from Mexico. Our favorites so far are Mice and Beans, The Old Man And His Door, Cocoa Ice, The Parrot Tico Tango, The Tale Of Rabbit and Coyote, and Under The Lemon Moon. We stamped the passports and are getting ready for some fun Mexico activities. I've been introducing Spanish words from the stories and teaching more expressions in Spanish throughout the day. Que bueno!
Math: We're trying out Rightstart Math Level B. So far he likes it. It is more teacher intensive for me, but so far it's ok with me when learning is fun. We skipped the first lessons and started with lessons 9, 10, and 11. It's Asian style math based on the abacus, which is a wonderful math tool. I plan on supplementing with Math Mammoth since Rightstart does not have very many worksheets and I may not get around to all the games intended for reinforcement. On days when RS is too demanding on me with a terrific three year old around, I can give him a MM page and some math still gets done. So far, so good!
Alphabet Island,
Grade 1,
Language Arts,
World Geography
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Red Bellied Piranha from the Amazon!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Beginner Book List!
Here's a beginning reader book list thanks to another homeschooling mom on the WTM forums who saved and shared this list. I have copied and saved it here for easy finding and then added to it as we go. Happy beginning reading!
1.Controlled Vocabulary, Leveled Phonics Readers (for beginning readers who are just beginning to read – starts with short vowel sounds and CVC words and progresses through the various levels of reading)
Itty Bitty Phonics Readers from Creative Teaching Press
Bob Books by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Now I’m Reading series by Nora Gaydos
Phonics Practice Readers from Modern Curriculum Press
2.First Books (for readers who have learned short vowel sounds and consonant blends and digraphs and want to read “real books”. Generally very short, with few words on the page but there will often be some sight words or a few longer words that you will have to help your child sound out.)
Step Into Reading Level 1:
6 Sticks
Big Egg
Cat Traps
Ducks in Muck
Hot Dog
I Like Bugs
I Like Stars
Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill
See the Yak Yak
The Berenstain Bears Big Bear, Small
The Berenstain Bears go in and out
The Berenstain Bears go up and down
Real Kids Readers Level 1:
Big Ben
Dress Up
Hop, Skip, Run
I am Mad!
I Like Mess
I Like to Win!
My Pal Al
No New Pants!
The Big Box
The New Kid
The Pet Vet
Wash Day
Green Light Readers Level 1:
Dot and Bob
Rick is Sick
Sam and Jack
Jack and Rick
A New Home
Jan has a Doll
Down on the Farm
The Van
Just Clowning Around
What I see
Todd’s Box
Get up, Rick!
Other books:
Hop on Pop
Go, Dog, Go
The Foot Book
Old Hat, New Hat
3.Moving On to Long Vowels (introduce more vowel combinations but are still short books with just a few sentences on each page)
My First I Can Read Book:
Bathtime for Biscuit
Biscuit and the Baby
Biscuit and the Little Pup
Biscuit finds a Friend
Biscuit goes to School
Biscuit wants to play
Biscuit wins a prize
Biscuit’s Big Friend
Biscuit’s day at the Farm
Biscuit’s New Trick
Chicken said, “Cluck!”
Go away, Dog
How Many Fish?
I See, You Saw
Loose Tooth
Oh, Cats!
Pedro’s Burro
Ruby bakes a Cake
Sid and Sam
Splish, Spash!
The Day I had to play with my Sister
Thump and Plunk
What’s that, Mittens?
Whose Hat is it?
Green Light Reader Level 1:
Rip’s Secret Spot
Come Here, Tiger!
The Tapping Tale
The Big, Big Wall
Best Friends
What day is it?
Big Pig and Little Pig
Cloudy Day Sunny Day
Six Silly Foxes
Daniel’s Pet
Big Brown Bear
Rabbit and Turtle go to School
Step into Reading, Level 1:
Mouse Makes Words
The Pup Speaks Up
Elmo says Achoo!
Too Many Dogs
The Snowball
Sunshine, Moonshine
Babe the Sheep Pig: Oops, Pig!
Watch your step, Mr. Rabbit!
There is a Town
Linda D. Williams books: (1-3 sentences per page with photos)
Concrete Mixers
Dump Trucks
Earth Movers
4.Next Step (many different vowel and consonant combinations; books are starting to get longer or introducing more words per page)
Step into Reading Level 2:
Bookstore Cat
Two Find Ladies have a Tiff
I can do it!
Pizza Pat
Quick, Quack, Quick!
Smarty Sara
The Berenstain Bears Catch the Bus
Counting Sheep
Pie Rats Ahoy!
Wake up, Sun!
Sir Small and the Dragonfly
Bears are Curious
Richard Scarry’s the Early Bird
My New Boy
David and the Giant
Mole in a Hole
Noah’s Ark
P. J. Funnybunny Camps Out
Bright & Early Books:
Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb
Hooper Humperdink - ? Not Him!
Bears on Wheels
There’s a wocket in my pocket!
Great Day for UP!
The Tooth Book
The Eye Book
Wings on Things
The Nose Book
The Ear Book
He Bear, She Bear
Inside, Outside, Upside Down
Mr. Brown can Moo! Can you?
The Knee Book
Real Kids Readers Level 2:
Did you hear about Jake?
I’ll do it later
Let me help!
My Brother, the Pest
Rainy day grump
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Show and Tell
That Cat!
That’s hard, that’s easy
The best pet yet
The Big Sale
The Lunch Bunch
Time for Bed?
Ready-to-Read Level 1:
A Tooth Story
Brave Norman
Happy Christmas, Honey
Lucky Duck
Mount Rushmore
Niagara Falls
Puppy Mudge wants to Play
The Grand Canyon
The Mighty Mississippi
The Pumpkin Patch
The Rocky Mountains
The Sky is Falling
The Statue of Liberty
The Three Little Pigs
The Tortoise and the Hare
Step into Reading Level 3:
Arthur in New York
Baseball Ballerina
Bean Baker’s Best Shot
The Best Mistake Ever! And other
The Bravest Dog Ever
The Nutcracker Ballet
Arthur’s Reading Trick
I Can Read it all by Myself:
A Fish out of Water
A Fly Went By
Big Dog . . . Little Dog
Green Eggs and Ham
I want to be Somebody New!
I wish that I had Duck Feet
Put Me in the Zoo
The Best Nest
The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Fred and Ted go camping
Fred and Ted like to fly
5.Transitional Books (paragraphs; longer books often divided into small chapters)
I Can Read Book Level 1:
A Kiss for Little Bear
Barney’s Horse
Captain Cat
Crocodile and Hen
Danny and the Dinosaur
Danny and the Dinosaur go to Camp
Drip, Drop
Father Bear comes Home
Happy Birthday, Danny and the
Harry and the Lady Next Door
Joe and Betsy the Dinosaur
Johnny Lion’s Book
Little Bear
Little Bear’s Friend
Little Bear’s Visit
Morris and Boris at the Circus
Morris goes to School
Morris the Moose
Mrs. Brice’s Mice
No more Monsters for Me!
Oscar Otter
Ruby Paints a Picture
Ruby’s Perfect Day
Sammy the Seal
Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny
Silly Tilly’s Valentine
The Fire Cat
The Horse in Harry’s Room
The Littlest Leaguer
What’s Going On?
I Can Read Books Level 2:
A Bargain for Frances
Addie’s Bad Day
Amazing Dolphins!
Amelia Bedelia
Amelia Bedelia and the Baby
Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise
Amelia Bedelia Helps Out
Arthur’s Birthday Party
Arthur’s Camp-Out
Arthur’s Christmas Cookies
Arthur’s Loose Tooth
Bread and Jam for Frances
Custard Surprise
Days with Frog and Toad
Frog and Toad all Year
Frog and Toad are Friends
Frog and Toad Together
Goose and Duck
Grandmas at Bat
Mildred and Sam
Mouse Soup
Mouse Tales
Owl at Home
The Case of the Cat’s Meow
The Case of the Double Cross
The Case of the Hungry Stranger
Who’s a Pest?
1.Controlled Vocabulary, Leveled Phonics Readers (for beginning readers who are just beginning to read – starts with short vowel sounds and CVC words and progresses through the various levels of reading)
Itty Bitty Phonics Readers from Creative Teaching Press
Bob Books by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Now I’m Reading series by Nora Gaydos
Phonics Practice Readers from Modern Curriculum Press
2.First Books (for readers who have learned short vowel sounds and consonant blends and digraphs and want to read “real books”. Generally very short, with few words on the page but there will often be some sight words or a few longer words that you will have to help your child sound out.)
Step Into Reading Level 1:
6 Sticks
Big Egg
Cat Traps
Ducks in Muck
Hot Dog
I Like Bugs
I Like Stars
Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill
See the Yak Yak
The Berenstain Bears Big Bear, Small
The Berenstain Bears go in and out
The Berenstain Bears go up and down
Real Kids Readers Level 1:
Big Ben
Dress Up
Hop, Skip, Run
I am Mad!
I Like Mess
I Like to Win!
My Pal Al
No New Pants!
The Big Box
The New Kid
The Pet Vet
Wash Day
Green Light Readers Level 1:
Dot and Bob
Rick is Sick
Sam and Jack
Jack and Rick
A New Home
Jan has a Doll
Down on the Farm
The Van
Just Clowning Around
What I see
Todd’s Box
Get up, Rick!
Other books:
Hop on Pop
Go, Dog, Go
The Foot Book
Old Hat, New Hat
3.Moving On to Long Vowels (introduce more vowel combinations but are still short books with just a few sentences on each page)
My First I Can Read Book:
Bathtime for Biscuit
Biscuit and the Baby
Biscuit and the Little Pup
Biscuit finds a Friend
Biscuit goes to School
Biscuit wants to play
Biscuit wins a prize
Biscuit’s Big Friend
Biscuit’s day at the Farm
Biscuit’s New Trick
Chicken said, “Cluck!”
Go away, Dog
How Many Fish?
I See, You Saw
Loose Tooth
Oh, Cats!
Pedro’s Burro
Ruby bakes a Cake
Sid and Sam
Splish, Spash!
The Day I had to play with my Sister
Thump and Plunk
What’s that, Mittens?
Whose Hat is it?
Green Light Reader Level 1:
Rip’s Secret Spot
Come Here, Tiger!
The Tapping Tale
The Big, Big Wall
Best Friends
What day is it?
Big Pig and Little Pig
Cloudy Day Sunny Day
Six Silly Foxes
Daniel’s Pet
Big Brown Bear
Rabbit and Turtle go to School
Step into Reading, Level 1:
Mouse Makes Words
The Pup Speaks Up
Elmo says Achoo!
Too Many Dogs
The Snowball
Sunshine, Moonshine
Babe the Sheep Pig: Oops, Pig!
Watch your step, Mr. Rabbit!
There is a Town
Linda D. Williams books: (1-3 sentences per page with photos)
Concrete Mixers
Dump Trucks
Earth Movers
4.Next Step (many different vowel and consonant combinations; books are starting to get longer or introducing more words per page)
Step into Reading Level 2:
Bookstore Cat
Two Find Ladies have a Tiff
I can do it!
Pizza Pat
Quick, Quack, Quick!
Smarty Sara
The Berenstain Bears Catch the Bus
Counting Sheep
Pie Rats Ahoy!
Wake up, Sun!
Sir Small and the Dragonfly
Bears are Curious
Richard Scarry’s the Early Bird
My New Boy
David and the Giant
Mole in a Hole
Noah’s Ark
P. J. Funnybunny Camps Out
Bright & Early Books:
Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb
Hooper Humperdink - ? Not Him!
Bears on Wheels
There’s a wocket in my pocket!
Great Day for UP!
The Tooth Book
The Eye Book
Wings on Things
The Nose Book
The Ear Book
He Bear, She Bear
Inside, Outside, Upside Down
Mr. Brown can Moo! Can you?
The Knee Book
Real Kids Readers Level 2:
Did you hear about Jake?
I’ll do it later
Let me help!
My Brother, the Pest
Rainy day grump
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Show and Tell
That Cat!
That’s hard, that’s easy
The best pet yet
The Big Sale
The Lunch Bunch
Time for Bed?
Ready-to-Read Level 1:
A Tooth Story
Brave Norman
Happy Christmas, Honey
Lucky Duck
Mount Rushmore
Niagara Falls
Puppy Mudge wants to Play
The Grand Canyon
The Mighty Mississippi
The Pumpkin Patch
The Rocky Mountains
The Sky is Falling
The Statue of Liberty
The Three Little Pigs
The Tortoise and the Hare
Step into Reading Level 3:
Arthur in New York
Baseball Ballerina
Bean Baker’s Best Shot
The Best Mistake Ever! And other
The Bravest Dog Ever
The Nutcracker Ballet
Arthur’s Reading Trick
I Can Read it all by Myself:
A Fish out of Water
A Fly Went By
Big Dog . . . Little Dog
Green Eggs and Ham
I want to be Somebody New!
I wish that I had Duck Feet
Put Me in the Zoo
The Best Nest
The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Fred and Ted go camping
Fred and Ted like to fly
5.Transitional Books (paragraphs; longer books often divided into small chapters)
I Can Read Book Level 1:
A Kiss for Little Bear
Barney’s Horse
Captain Cat
Crocodile and Hen
Danny and the Dinosaur
Danny and the Dinosaur go to Camp
Drip, Drop
Father Bear comes Home
Happy Birthday, Danny and the
Harry and the Lady Next Door
Joe and Betsy the Dinosaur
Johnny Lion’s Book
Little Bear
Little Bear’s Friend
Little Bear’s Visit
Morris and Boris at the Circus
Morris goes to School
Morris the Moose
Mrs. Brice’s Mice
No more Monsters for Me!
Oscar Otter
Ruby Paints a Picture
Ruby’s Perfect Day
Sammy the Seal
Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny
Silly Tilly’s Valentine
The Fire Cat
The Horse in Harry’s Room
The Littlest Leaguer
What’s Going On?
I Can Read Books Level 2:
A Bargain for Frances
Addie’s Bad Day
Amazing Dolphins!
Amelia Bedelia
Amelia Bedelia and the Baby
Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise
Amelia Bedelia Helps Out
Arthur’s Birthday Party
Arthur’s Camp-Out
Arthur’s Christmas Cookies
Arthur’s Loose Tooth
Bread and Jam for Frances
Custard Surprise
Days with Frog and Toad
Frog and Toad all Year
Frog and Toad are Friends
Frog and Toad Together
Goose and Duck
Grandmas at Bat
Mildred and Sam
Mouse Soup
Mouse Tales
Owl at Home
The Case of the Cat’s Meow
The Case of the Double Cross
The Case of the Hungry Stranger
Who’s a Pest?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Macaws Leaving South America
Mexico Book List
Butterfly boy by Kroll, Virginia L.
Charro : the Mexican cowboy by Ancona, George
Mexico! : 40 activities to experience Mexico past & present by Milord, Susan
The umbrella by Brett, Jan
The ancestors are singing by Johnston, Tony
Count your way through Mexico by Haskins, James
Doctor Coyote : a Native American Aesop's fables by Bierhorst, John
Nursery tales around the world by Sierra, Judy
Abuela's weave by Castañeda, Omar S.
Beneath the stone : a Mexican Zapotec tale by Wolf, Bernard
Borreguita and the coyote : a tale from Ayutla, Mexico by Aardema, Verna.
Cactus soup by Kimmel, Eric A.
*Cocoa ice by Appelbaum, Diana Karter
A day's work by Bunting, Eve
Domitila : a Cinderella tale from the Mexican tradition by Coburn, Jewell Reinhart
*Hill of fire by Lewis, Thomas P.
*Mice and beans by Ryan, Pam Muñoz
*The old man and his door by Soto, Gary
*The parrot Tico Tango by Witte, Anna
*The tale of Rabbit and Coyote by Johnston, Tony
Today is the day by Riecken, Nancy
The chocolate tree : a Mayan folktale by Lowery, Linda
How Nanita learned to make flan by Geeslin, Campbell
The hummingbirds' gift by Czernecki, Stefan
Musicians of the sun by McDermott, Gerald
*Under the lemon moon by Fine, Edith Hope
In Rosa's Mexico by Geeslin, Campbell
Lorenzo, the naughty parrot by Johnston, Tony
Manuela's gift by Estes, Kristyn Rehling
The moon was at a fiesta by Gollub, Matthew
Charro : the Mexican cowboy by Ancona, George
Mexico! : 40 activities to experience Mexico past & present by Milord, Susan
The umbrella by Brett, Jan
The ancestors are singing by Johnston, Tony
Count your way through Mexico by Haskins, James
Doctor Coyote : a Native American Aesop's fables by Bierhorst, John
Nursery tales around the world by Sierra, Judy
Abuela's weave by Castañeda, Omar S.
Beneath the stone : a Mexican Zapotec tale by Wolf, Bernard
Borreguita and the coyote : a tale from Ayutla, Mexico by Aardema, Verna.
Cactus soup by Kimmel, Eric A.
*Cocoa ice by Appelbaum, Diana Karter
A day's work by Bunting, Eve
Domitila : a Cinderella tale from the Mexican tradition by Coburn, Jewell Reinhart
*Hill of fire by Lewis, Thomas P.
*Mice and beans by Ryan, Pam Muñoz
*The old man and his door by Soto, Gary
*The parrot Tico Tango by Witte, Anna
*The tale of Rabbit and Coyote by Johnston, Tony
Today is the day by Riecken, Nancy
The chocolate tree : a Mayan folktale by Lowery, Linda
How Nanita learned to make flan by Geeslin, Campbell
The hummingbirds' gift by Czernecki, Stefan
Musicians of the sun by McDermott, Gerald
*Under the lemon moon by Fine, Edith Hope
In Rosa's Mexico by Geeslin, Campbell
Lorenzo, the naughty parrot by Johnston, Tony
Manuela's gift by Estes, Kristyn Rehling
The moon was at a fiesta by Gollub, Matthew
Book List-Geography,
World Geography
Monday, September 13, 2010
Reviewing Silent Everloving E
Language Arts: We reviewed the story of Silent Everloving E, who brings a tray of cookies to consonants so that they can take a break from holding the short vowel rod over the vowels so that they can say their name. She's speechless at the ends of words. We did 8 pages of ETC lesson 2 to review how silent e changes words like pin into pine. I'm seeing how daily practice is building more fluency and faster reading from familiarity with words, so we will continue doing a page or two of ETC everyday to keep up the practice of reading and writing as well. ETC is starting to be more fun because it has some silly aspects. I like how it makes him guess less and sound out more.
Alphabet Island,
Grade 1,
Language Arts
Geography: We colored the map and flag and read stories about Peru this week. Our favorites were Zorro and Quwi, Munay and The Magic Lake, Lost City The Discovery of Machu Picchu, and The Stolen Smell. We painted Machu Picchu. We read a few books about rocks and minerals since Peru exports many minerals. We discussed the diversity of desert and rainforest on opposite sides of the Andes mountains. We also reviewed South America as a whole continent and the many animals and wonders of the rainforest and the effects of deforestation. Next week, we're off to Mexico!
Grade 1,
World Geography
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Watercolor Wednesday
Friday, September 3, 2010
Brazil and Amazon Rainforest
Geography: We've been ready many stories from Brazil and about the rainforest. Our favorites so far are Rain Rain Forest, The Great Kapok Tree, So Say the Little Monkeys, Up A Rainforest Tree, and The Rainforest Grew All Around. We colored the map and flag for Brazil. Learning about the world's largest rainforest has been humbling for my bulldozer loving boys. They are learning about the reality and harm done by cutting down trees and are motivated to plant more for the future.
Grade 1,
World Geography
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