Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We finished up our month of studying plants. The boys are very excited to be moving on to insects next.

Devotional: We talked about Bhagavad Gita 10.26 when Krishna says "Of all trees I am the banyan tree" and Bhagavad Gita 15.1-4 about the banyan tree. We also decorated the banyan tree in our yard with some nearby flowers.

Language Arts: We're halfway through Primary Phonics workbook 4. Govinda did pages 24-40. It covered some new stuff like words ending with 'le' like apple and compound words like chipmunk and pineapple. We reviewed 'th' and 'wh' and practiced differentiating similar words like tree and three and can and candle. I'm looking forward to starting r-controlled vowels next! I think he's ready for this new stuff now that the long/short vowel practice has been going on for a while. There are readers that go along with this workbook that I haven't gotten yet but may get soon since they look nice.

Math: We're doing well with Math Mammoth 1B on place value, practicing with tens and ones. He did pages 4-27. We also played with place value number and picture cards, and those really help get an idea of the difference between ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. If we keep doing a page everyday, we will be done in 3 months.

Science: We read more library books about trees and drew some in our book. Govinda really likes the redwoods, so we got some extra books about them and he made one out paper for his lego men to climb. We reviewed all about plants and trees and stapled our plant book together. On to insects we go in our Creation study!

Last but not least is the wonderful news that I have been blessed with a new computer, which means I will be able to share more pictures soon. Thank you everyone for your love and support!

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