Saturday, September 25, 2010

Camping Out In Mexico With Silent Everloving E And An Abacus!

Language Arts: You know that changing vowel sounds is not an easy job, so we're camping out with Silent Everloving E for a while until it's all well understood. At least we on a world tour, so we are practicing our silent e words while in Mexico, where Everloving E can be on vacation because in Spanish, there's no Silent E. We finished all 8 pages of Lesson 3 in Explode The Code 3. We'll spend another week or so really mastering long vowels with silent e.

World Geography: We read many stories from Mexico. Our favorites so far are Mice and Beans, The Old Man And His Door, Cocoa Ice, The Parrot Tico Tango, The Tale Of Rabbit and Coyote, and Under The Lemon Moon. We stamped the passports and are getting ready for some fun Mexico activities. I've been introducing Spanish words from the stories and teaching more expressions in Spanish throughout the day. Que bueno!

Math: We're trying out Rightstart Math Level B. So far he likes it. It is more teacher intensive for me, but so far it's ok with me when learning is fun. We skipped the first lessons and started with lessons 9, 10, and 11. It's Asian style math based on the abacus, which is a wonderful math tool. I plan on supplementing with Math Mammoth since Rightstart does not have very many worksheets and I may not get around to all the games intended for reinforcement. On days when RS is too demanding on me with a terrific three year old around, I can give him a MM page and some math still gets done. So far, so good!

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