Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weekly Update: 11/29 - 12/5

Phonics: We did 2 weeks of lessons in 1 week, lessons 101-110. The reader had hot dogs in it again, and despite my dovetailing to tofu dogs attempts, my very insistent vegetarian son refused to read it again. So, we moved on quickly. The focus was on the 'short e' sound, and the letters 'w' and 'z'. The two readers were entertaining as always, Red and Bess and then Fuzz the Yak. Besides the hot dog part, he loved these stories and laughs about them throughout the day. He did great on all the tests and handled the extra lessons very well. I like how the workbook has simple questions for him to read and answer about the story. We reviewed periods and question marks, and learned the new sight words, 'to'. I'm really excited about next week, we will be learning about long vowels and silent e. We are basically over the reading review parts of this K program and will be getting into new, harder stuff now.

Math: We did lessons 71-75. The numbers 50-60 were introduced and added to the ongoing number line. We reviewed ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) and labeling patterns of shapes with letters, reading and writing times to the hour, and spatial awareness (above, below, left, right, etc.). We worked more with place value, writing numbers as tens and ones, and did hands on number line play which is preparing him for addition and subtraction. I say "put the bear on number 7, now if he jumps two spaces to the left, what number is he on now?" Govinda is doing well with this hands on approach to math. It's still more like play that work for him, which is nice because practicing handwriting and reading a lot is work for him.

Literature/Geography: We're starting off December with winter/snow stories and Arctic animal stories. We got several books about The Little Polar Bear and they are well loved. Other favorites are The Biggest Snowstorm Ever and Katy and The Big Snow. We have also read some books about walruses and seals. We'll be moving on to Caribou and then on to Christmas. I hope to get the motivation to make an igloo soon and make some more icebergs in the freezer. Homeschooling with a 2 year old in tow has made me less craft these days, but that will all change soon once he's done teething and is joining in with school more.

Once again I give thanks to the Lord and my wonderful husband and caring family members who love and support us to keep raising children in the truth and love for God.

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